I believe that as humans we are programmed to lie, even if it is the smallest of lies, I am sure that everyone has lied and many of those times, it’s probably to protect someone from the truth which may hurt them. In relationships people may lie about certain things in order to protect their partner or to reframe from hurting them but is this necessarily a bad thing? Obviously it depends on the situation and what the truth is but surely that is the same for PR practitioners?


James Horton states that “we know from numerous psychological studies, from personal observation and from our own behaviour that lying is endemic. People lie. Telling CEOs to speak the truth no matter what flies in the face of human nature. We call for transparency when in our hearts we know there is no such thing”


I believe that PR as an industry having a duty to tell the truth relies on each practitioner. For it is their personal opinion and values which consequently decides whether they are going to tell the truth or lie.


Of course there are ethical codes that every Public Relations organisation and their members are expected to abide by, established by the CIPR, however these are often viewed as guidelines to how professionals should conduct themselves within the industry although to what extent these are followed depends on each independent professional. Despite these codes of conduct, there is always going to be companies and individuals that go against these and therefore achieving a transparent industry in highly unlikely.


I do think that PR as an industry should tell the truth to the public as lies are generally always exposed and would require more explaining when this happens. Also it is the public’s right to know what is happening within a company in order to make informed decisions and opinions.


However, I do also think there may be some circumstances where withholding the truth or possibly lying is more beneficial but this does depend on what information is being withheld. I believe that this is a complex debate with so many different views, thoughts and opinions and as I said before, I highly doubt any outcome with come from this debate for many years, if ever.


At the end of the day, Public Relations professionals do need to be careful if they do lie on behalf of their clients because, as Galileo once said “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them” and there will always be people out there seeking the ultimate truth so ensure lying is the right choice to make.